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Privacy policy

I. Introduction

Retro Sport EOOD ("ALL STAR Sofia") respects the privacy of its customers and guarantees the maximum protection of their personal data. This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the " Privacy Policy ") has been prepared and is based on the current Bulgarian and European legislation in the field of personal data protection.
This Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data of individuals or representatives of legal entities of our customers or potential ones, as well as users of our website: ("Site"), in connection with the services provided by Retro Sport Ltd., including provided through and available on the Site.
This Privacy Policy, together with the General Terms of Use of the Website, the Policy for the use of Cookies and any other documents mentioned on the Site, sets out the rules that Retro Sport EOOD will follow when processing personal data, which we collect from you or for you, or which you provide to us. This Privacy Policy does not affect, restrict or revoke your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (PDPA), the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) or other relevant legislation.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the contact details below.
Please read this Policy carefully before using the Site or providing your Personal Data, whether electronically on the Site or on paper, as by providing Your Personal Data you agree to its terms. If you do not wish us to process your personal data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy, please do not provide it to us. The provision of personal data by you is voluntary, in order to use certain services provided by us and the use of the Site and / or access to it, as well as in view of online shopping on the Site. Please note that in some cases we will not be able to provide you with the service and / or sell the product you have requested if you do not provide us with the necessary information. Please also note that in certain cases your consent to the processing of personal data may not be required if ALL STAR Sofia has another legal basis, e.g. fulfillment of normatively established obligations.

II. Who processes and is responsible for your personal data?

Retro Sport EOOD (“ALL STAR Sofia”, “we”) is the company registered in the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency with UIC 175002685, which collects, processes and stores your personal data under the terms of this Privacy Policy. Retro Sport EOOD is a personal data administrator within the meaning of ORZD. You can contact us at any of the following coordinates:
Management address: Sofia, 26 Vitosha Blvd.
phone: 02 980 84 46

III. Categories of personal data processed by ALL STAR Sofia.

1. ALL STAR Sofia may process publicly available personal data and / or personal data provided by you. The main types of personal data that are processed are:
(i) Personal identification information (including name, email address, language of communication, etc.);
(ii) Contact details (including postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers of you or a contact person designated by you, etc.);
(iii) Financial information (information on payments made);
(iv) Profile data on the Site (including name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone number and other additional information you provide);

2. ALL STAR Sofia may process data prepared and generated by ALL STAR Sofia in the process of providing the services:
(i) details of the final electronic communications device used, the type of device, the operating system used, the IP address, the location;
(ii) details of your preferred goods and services;
(iii) data from the communication between us and you, habits, preferences, your satisfaction with our services (activity in using the services, complaints, requests, etc.);
(iv) information about visits to the Site and the use of the Site, including operations and history of use of the Site;
(v) data obtained in the performance of obligations arising from regulations (ie data arising from inquiries, regulations, investigative bodies, notary, tax authorities, court, bailiff);
(vi) personal data processed in accordance with the pre-announced conditions for participation in games and / or other promotional campaigns organized by ALL STAR Sofia; For the avoidance of doubt, the personal data processed under this item will only be processed with your consent for the purposes of the specific game and / or other promotional campaign and you will be informed of the processing through a separate Notice.

(vii) data received from Facebook when using the chat feature with ALL STAR Sofia via Messenger: names, message content;

3. If you register via Facebook or Google, ALL STAR Sofia receives the following information about you from Facebook or Google after your explicit consent and confirmation: language preferences (Google only), names, profile picture, email address. ALL STAR Sofia is not responsible for the processing of personal data by Facebook and Google, and you should be informed of any such processing by the respective privacy policies of Facebook and Google.

4. ALL STAR Sofia has the right and obligation to verify the accuracy of personal data by requiring you to verify the data and, if necessary, correct it or ask you to confirm the accuracy of your data.

5. The different types of personal data may be processed alone or in combination with each other.

IV. Objectives and legal grounds for personal data processing

1. ALL STAR Sofia processes personal data on the basis of performance of contracts with us or for taking steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract with us;
On this basis, ALL STAR Sofia processes your data for the following purposes:
(i) Identification of a client when: concluding a new or amending an existing contract with us; explanations for the used services;
(ii) management of pre-sales activities;
(iii) fulfillment of obligations arising from contracts concluded with you;
(iv) administering and responding to customer complaints / inquiries / complaints / complaints; return of amounts and goods; product replacement;
(v) payment of debts, rescheduling of amounts due; management of receivables collections;
(vi) warranty service;
(vii) sharing important information regarding changes in our policy and other administrative information;
(viii) management and administration of online shopping activities;

(ix) payment management.

2. In fulfillment of its legal obligations, ALL STAR Sofia processes your data for the following purposes:
(i) issuing invoices;
(ii) tax and social security control by the relevant competent authorities;
(iii) fulfillment of obligations in connection with distance selling, off-site sales, provided for in the Consumer Protection Act;
(iv) providing information to the Commission for Personal Data Protection in connection with obligations provided for in the legislation for personal data protection - LPPD, PDPA, etc .;
(v) obligations provided for in the Accounting Act and the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code and other related regulations, in connection with the maintenance of proper and lawful accounting;

(vi) other obligations set forth in the applicable ST ALL Sofia business

3. ALL STAR Sofia processes the relevant data provided with the express written consent of the customer for their processing for the following purposes:
(i) Creating and managing a personal profile on the Site; technical assistance for creating account (s) and recovering a forgotten password to access our Site;
(ii) Direct marketing of products and services;
(iii) Participation and management of surveys, gift games, promotional campaigns;

4. The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of ALL STAR Sofia.
(i) Evaluate and establish customer satisfaction, as well as the effectiveness of the advertising we offer to you and others, and meet your expectations by presenting adequate advertising;
(ii) Analysis of data on purchasing history, preferences and customer behavior.


V. Categories of third parties that access and process your personal data

(i) Transport / courier companies, postal operators with a view to fulfilling our contractual obligations, sending correspondence and communications, in connection with the contract between us, sending purchased goods;
(ii) Persons who, on behalf of ALL STAR Sofia, maintain equipment and software used to process your personal data;
(iii) Debt collection service providers, notary, lawyer, bailiff or other third party if the client has breached the obligation arising from a contract with us;
(iv) Banks servicing payments made to and from you;
(v) Persons to whom ALL STAR Sofia has provided the performance of part of the activities or obligations related to a specific service that we owe to you;

(vi) Personal data processors who, on the basis of a contract with ALL STAR Sofia, process your personal data on behalf of ALL STAR Sofia;
(vii) Persons providing consulting services in various fields - lawyers, accountants, marketing agencies, etc .;
(viii) Authorities, institutions and persons to whom we are obliged to provide personal data under applicable law.
(ix) when registering with Facebook or Google Facebook and Google receive from ALL
STAR Sofia information about the registration made on our website;

VI. How long is your personal data stored?

The duration of storage of your personal data depends on the purposes of processing for which they were collected:
1. Personal data processed for the purpose of concluding / amending and executing contracts between ALL STAR Sofia and you - for the term of the contract and until the final settlement of all financial relations between the parties and up to five years thereafter. ALL STAR Sofia may store some of your personal data for a longer period in case of a legal dispute that has already arisen until its final resolution with an effective court / arbitration decision;
2. Personal data processed for the purpose of issuing accounting / financial documents for tax and social security control, as well as not only - invoices, debit, credit notices, handover protocols, contracts for the provision of services / goods are stored at least 11 years after the expiry of the limitation period for repayment of the public receivable, unless the applicable legislation provides for a longer period.
3. Personal data processed for the purpose of managing the account on the Site - until the explicit withdrawal of the given consent.
4. Personal data processed for the purpose of direct marketing - until the explicit withdrawal of the given consent for direct marketing or receipt of an objection for processing of personal data for direct marketing.

VII. Your Rights in connection with the processing of your Personal Data

1. General rights
In connection with the processing of personal data, you have the following rights, which you may exercise at any time while storing or processing your personal data by sending an application to the address of ALL STAR Sofia, above, or electronically by email:
You have the right to request from ALL STAR Sofia:

  • a copy of your personal data and access to them at any time;

  • to correct without undue delay your inaccurate personal data, as well as data that are no longer up to date;

  • your personal data in a form convenient for transfer to another controller of personal data, or ask us to do so without being hindered by us (right of portability);

  • your personal data to be deleted without undue delay in the presence of any of the legal grounds for this;

  • restrict the processing of your personal data, in which case your data will only be stored but not processed. Our refusal to restrict will be explicitly only in writing, and we are obliged to motivate it with the lawful reason;

You also have the right to:

  • to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time with a separate request addressed to ALL STAR Sofia, in case of processing based on a given consent;

  • object to the processing of your personal data;

  • object to automated processing, including profiling;

  • not be subject to a solution based solely on automated processing involving profiling;

2. You have the right to appeal to the supervisory authority
You have the right to file a complaint directly to the supervisory body, the competent body being the Commission for Personal Data Protection, address: Sofia 1592, Blvd. "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2 ( ).
In case you wish to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by ALL STAR Sofia, you can do so at the specified contact details of the Administrator.
3. Automated processing and profiling
When you visit our Site, we use automated processing to tailor products and services to your needs in the best possible way.
4. Objection to use for direct marketing
You have the right to object to the future processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing and advertising. For this purpose, you can send an e-mail with the relevant request to stop using your data for direct marketing purposes to:
5. Can you refuse to provide personal data to ALL STAR Sofia and what are the consequences?
In order to enter into a contract with you and / or to provide you with the ordered products and / or services and / or to deliver the ordered goods in accordance with our legal and subsequent contractual obligations, ALL STAR Sofia needs certain data to identify the country. under the contract, her proxy, contact details, payment details.
Failure to provide such information prevents us from entering into a contract with you.

VIII. How we protect your data

ALL STAR Sofia applies organizational, physical, information technology and other necessary measures to ensure the security and protection of your personal data and the monitoring of the processing of personal data.
Among other things, such security measures include the following activities:
- ALL STAR Sofia has established the requirements for processing, registration and storage of personal data with internal procedures, compliance with which is constantly monitored;
- the access of the employees of ALL STAR Sofia to personal data and the permission for processing of personal data in the database of ALL STAR Sofia is limited, depending on their obligations;
- ALL STAR Sofia has established confidentiality obligations for its employees;
- access to ALL STAR Sofia office equipment and computers of each employee is limited.
- we apply all necessary organizational and technical measures, as well as best practices from international standards
- For maximum security in the processing, transmission and storage of your data, we may use additional protection mechanisms such as encryption, pseudonymization, etc.
The security measures we apply are subject to constant improvement and adaptation to the latest technologies.

IX. Link to other sites

Sometimes the Site may contain links (hyperlinks) to other sites. We do not operate the linked sites and do not endorse the content, services and products of these sites. We advise you to use the linked sites carefully and with due regard to their content and terms of use. ALL STAR Sofia is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such sites and we encourage you to review their privacy policies. However, as soon as ALL STAR Sofia receives information about illegal activities or illegal information on such Internet sites, ALL STAR Sofia will take immediate measures to remove electronic links to them.

X. Cookies Policy

To read the Cookies Policy , please visit the Cookies Policy page .


Personal data for children
We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 14. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 14, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible or obtain the consent of the person with parental responsibility for the child.


Amendments to the Privacy Policy
We may periodically update our Privacy Policy. In the event of a change in this policy, a notice will be published on our website, as well as the updated Privacy Policy. All changes and additions to the Privacy Policy will be applied only after the publication of its current content, available through our Site.

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